Sunday, February 20, 2011

OFofyesterday ;)

this is the outfit i wore last night to the dinner party :)
my bandage skirt appears once again, this is the second time i've worn the bandage skirt actually. i'm not really fond of it as i get paranoid it's too short and when i walk i normally have to keep on pulling it down :/

skirt : zipia
top: bro's white v-neck ( top ), boatneck top from yesstyle ( bottom)
ring: DIVA

this outfit was teamed up with black canvas shoes :) it was a pretty black and white outfit haha ^^"


  1. The skirt looks awesome! did you join in on a soompi survey?

  2. thanks!! no i didn't, what is it? :O

  3. Ah! Just wondering how you got it off zipia cause there is a min spend of $300. hehe. Thanks for following my blog!

  4. np~ :)
    normally when i order off online stores like (forever21, zipia, yesstyle) me and my friends combine order so we get to $300 !
    follow me back? ;) hahaha
    you don't have to :3

  5. I've followed you! =D ohh! that's a good idea! I should do that. I love looking at Zipia! All the clothes look amazing =)

  6. i know! i love korean fashion and online shopping :) ( because Perth doesn't have good clothes stores :/ ) yehhh it's a great idea to do combined shipping, that way you don't have to pay so much till the free shipping price :D
    thanks for the follow hun :)

  7. Hi there! I love bandage skirt but yup, agree with ya, have to keep pulling it down. Otherwise it will just get shorter..

    Love the outfit.. it that a 2-finger ring??


  8. heyyy thanks! :)
    its actually a one finger ring! but it's long ._. hahaha
    yehh bandage skirts are a little bothersome :/
